Markets and sectorof activity
Veg’Extra started in 1997 as a service provider for the food industry.
Today, the company has developed
in four key sectors
Ingredients and titrated extracts for manufacturers in the cosmetics sector, including specialists in skincare products.
Animal Health
Ingredients and additives, dry or fluid extracts, concentrated or formulated.
Dry, liquid or concentrated titrated extracts for the food industry.
DSP (Downstream Process) support, purification of materials from fermentation.
Veg’Extra’s strength lies in its versatility and expertise. The team is able to meet many challenges in the extraction and purification of molecules, while managing process, solvent and quality risks.
Active ingredients for cosmetics account for more than half of the company’s business. By being an active member of various groups, Veg’Extra is looking resolutely towards the future.